Scottish Social Housing Charter: consultation analysis

The Scottish Government, this week, published on their website the independent analysis of the responses to the current review of the Scottish Social Housing Charter.

Click here to view the consultation analysis.

The Government received 86 written responses, and in addition held 12 virtual stakeholder events facilitated by TIS and TPAS at which 79 landlords were represented and over 32 tenant and resident groups, federations and scrutiny panels, along with a number of individual tenants.

TIS and TPAS also undertook a range of tailored involving all consultation events amongst a range of stakeholders across Scotland covering remote, rural and island tenants and landlords, younger people, people with support needs, black and minority ethnic communities, gypsy travellers and homeless people.

The Government will be considering the analysis and making changes to the Charter to reflect what people told us. They will engage with key stakeholders on our proposed changes before the Parliamentary Committee scrutinises the revised Charter in early 2022, with a new Charter being in place by April 2022. |  0141 248 1242